Friday, July 20, 2012


This post is another re-run, from July 18, 2011 off E/E/. What is about July.... more news today of innocent people slaughtered at the movies. Our nation allows humans to carry weapons, and on occasion someone who shouldn't couldn't have one, gets one. And death is on repeat.....

On July 18, 1984 my family was driving back from Kelly's Island after picking me up from summer camp. I am thirteen years old and beyond myself that this washed up rock babe Tina Turner is hogging my airwaves with this crappy comeback album. Little did i know she would choke the life out of the hit parade for THREE MORE SINGLES. What's Love Got to do with it ? I don't know, shut the fuck up and play some goddamn new wave music i would think in my head. some Hall and Oates, anything ! My parents quietly talked about her comeback from Ike beatings but my sister and I could always still hear them. Clearly, I thought, this woman didn't get beat enough. Evil me had enough of the 70's hogging my newave airwaves. In the back seat of the sweltering car, I was very glad to be headed towards a real shower. Clothing. Bug Free. I had a great time running around the beaches of the Island, not knowing any of the kids and not caring. A vacation of silence from the human race. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the other kids in my bunk, dances, crafts, hikes and all the cute boys, but I actually just asked to go for some peace and quiet after the hell of middle school where you know no one and look like bettie page's horrible offspring with glasses and braces. Sold all my candy bars and won my own vacation before eighth grade. But a few days of horrible food and sleepless hot nights, I was ready for air conditioned suburbian comfort my parents provided. Maybe not my mom's food, but certainly a soda or two. On the radio the news came on and my parents could not act fast enough. Not that they normally would have censored us from the news that a jobless man from Canton named James Huberty ( the not so hot guy above here )had walked into a San Ysidro McDonalds in California where he relocated to and killed MANY innocent people with a gun. Actually, many guns. Women. Children. Workers. No one who had ever done anything to this man. They played a tape of someone talking about it that had been in the area and the chaos in the background was hysterical, horrible. It iced my hot suffering preteen body like a quick cut you don't expect, cold. I felt numb. Those poor people, or their loved ones who live on or lived through. I think we had just been to a McDonalds ! I felt very sick and somehow in the silence of the car after the news had ended and my father drove on through Lorain County, I was never a really a child or felt childlike again. After a few days in an eden of adultless fun and frolic with faceless peers; the reality of my future had come to call of odd occasional violence, unexpected but sometimes meditated by madmen. A false notion of safe in my burbworld in heartland ended over the years of Dunblane, Columbine, Long Island Rail Road and even a madman Mark Cunningham at Kent State University, hunting students at my own school during the winter of my junior year. Not that I thought the world would not be in Mad Max Situation by the time I was 40 with drooling zombies, commies or aliens would take over my american dream ( hey, it's the 80's here still in my rewind ), but the confirmation was a shadow over the rest of the summer. So the other day, when someone again too sick for rational thought has access to ammunition to kill and destroy, I often think back to that moment of driving home after the news of a madman shot thru my summer. the shots of a madman taking everyone with him while being hunted by the Kent police still screams through my dreams on occasion. But lately, I have been thinking about my own protection and it scares me to think that way. What's love got to do with it ? anyway....

Saturday, July 14, 2012

SUMMER RERUN : 2011 ViewR Mail !

Fans, Friends & Enemies :

happy saturday ! tired, kids are sick, work is nuts and i am crazed trying to sell off enough leftovers to avoid the boot. I will have an open studio sale soon for extra super deals and more free stuff outside the door to remove the excess, details to come forth of course. But today it's Summer Rerun Saturday. And we steal today's awful content from an old e/e post highlighting some of the viewer mail i get. Since i volunteer two hours a week at a local college station WRUW 91.1 FM, people feel compelled to let me know how they feel about what i curate for their eighties ears. Who doesn't love people giving you their ten cents ? yeaaaaaa ! Enjoy the blast from the past of my mailbag/box ~ <3 djbg


And for more fun and adventure, here's the viewer mail for 2011 :

Dear DJ BG - what do you have against the Cure ? what moron has an eighties show and plays less Cure than you ? they are the best band of the 80's and you fail to grasp this concept EVERY WEEK. I love your show -
signed Real Name

DJ bg - did someone tell you that you have a good radio voice ? that person was wrong
- probably not their real name

Dear djbj - The Bolshoi was a band from england in the 80's ( insert lengthly Wikipedia stolen history about band, singles and releases ). You might want to qualify your selection of better music with the addition of some Bolshoi, especially whatever single i used to love on "120 minutes" -
signed 120 minutes one hit wonderloverboy or the guy from the Bolshoi

Miss Dj BG - i love your show, i listen every week ! it's the best 80's show i have heard in cleveland ever ! Could you play some Heaven 17, Human League or New Order ? i never hear you play it on your show ! thanks ! love your show -
signed person who OBVIOUSLY doesn't listen

Hey - last week's show was terrible. Awful, even. Just unbearable. I had to turn it off after twenty minutes of music i don't remember from the 80's LIKE THAT and it was AWFUL. Don't you think playing some "normal" 80's staples like the Jam, Echo, a little Furs might help ? Maybe it got better, I don't know. I turned you off, hoping one of the commercial radio stations were playing ANYTHING by Nirvana. Get a clue -
signed the guy who worships all 21 + songs Kurt Cobain made before he overdosed that are played more than AC/DC, Boston, Journey and Rush here in the capital of dead rock n roll

Hey djbg, how come you don't play ____ ( band name )'s new song that came out 12 minutes ago on i-tunes exclusive ? does the station have that ? when do you think it might come in and you might play it ? i donate every year and always wonder WHY you guys never have the new stuff right away. I donate to another show, but still.
signed your biggest fan ever of all time

dear djbg - i am not supergay
signed Phil Oakley ( probably not tho )

Dear djbg - i am an alternative rockstar from _____(some town). I masterfully did a google search and somehow constructed together with my brain modules that you do a radio show in need of my crappy-eighties-beats-heavy-music i sweat out after my software analyst job. I have included a package sent to the station with my super crafty logo on stickers, posters, postcards, keychain, can opener, xxsmall tshirt and my one hit single " dancing by myself in the darkness ", make sure that you get it girl and get it into your rotation of music ! although i have only glanced at the playlist half assed gassed after happy hour one friday while doing "marketing research" home from the microbrewery, I know it would blend flawlessly with your playlist. As a music professional with one local review is included from my friend/ex-girlfriend, please also bask in the glow of my fantastic music alt god cool photos in filter that make me look younger hidden in the surprise package. You rock, dj bk !
love, rock god in pleather by night, code monkey by day from inc.

Dear dj bg - the art of noise just isn't a good band. get it ? I love your show !!!
signed no one really ! keep it on up, e.e. lovers !!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

MAYDAY SALE : canvaspaper works ! 20 bucks

oil on canvaspaper
16 X 20 inches

all grad works from 2002
buy it now, click the paypal
to buy any of the works listed here
free shipping anywhere !

MAYDAY SALE : green loop painting

Green Loop
16 X 20 inches
mixed media on canvas paper

20 bucks ! Click the paypal button on the right for any of the paintings listed on the 404blog this week. all works are shipped freeeeeeeee ANYWHERE. delivery is extra, gas is silly expensive !!

maydaysale !

16 X 20 inches
oil on canvas paper
buy it now

i have a STACK of works, studies to me for larger paintings from graduate school. I went back for my graduate degree in painting in 2000-2002. I am one credit away from my MA in painting but KSU won't let me just take my thesis and be done, they want me to enroll in one last class " to see where I am at " . So obviously i don't have 8 grand to get the 42 credits i earned into a piece of paper degree , somehow my company Progressive INsurance buying several works of many of the professors who shoved portfolios and prices under my door might have swung me a deal, but no. So i feel i don't need any of these pieces, esp since after earning a 3.88 in grad school, i am a part time waitress in this post 911 american economy. so let's get these worthless pieces out of here, shall we ?  each work is on canvas paper, painted with gesso and oil and sanded down several times for a more ghostly effect on the layer of motion and color. Unframed, these 10 year old works are oil and should not be under glass. They are 16 X 20, a standard size frame at any michael's hobby lobby cat patanery big box craftamatic store. FREE SHIPPING ANYWHERE. 20 bucks per piece, it's $50 for three !

Monday, July 9, 2012

$AVE the 404 : mayday

In the last year, i confess. Confess to not being able to find a job + my health going super south in one year  = massive problems. Altho i am lucky to still have my nite job, it has been tuff to keep up with life when my body dyes, cars dyes & my opportunities dry up like the summer of 2012. I have been able to tread water for a while, but recently i was given a small window to make the money lenders happy and have been able to do so only by a select few people : buying some art / or finally paying me for art services rendered (framing, installing etc ). So i am a third of a way there just from generous support from fans, family and friends. I was talked into creating a paypal account which is soley for anyone to send me some bread to bake more culture here in the 404 and i am offering up plenty of leftovers to fill your white wall plate. I don't need money to spend, bills or a new car. Don't want a donation that i have to pay back some stupid way, plenty leftovers left behind for u to invest in. I just don't want to be homeless and it seems every July my moneylessness makes to take away any home i might eek out here in the wreckage left of my life. Not much is left, i doubt the dog or the car will be able to survive the winter on what we make here if the ice don't break & the wind don't blow. We still collect ZERO alimony despite years of pouring money into spousal support of strippers, banjos & other deadend emo rockstar collectibles. But as long as i can still make some cool things for cleveland to ignore here at the 404 with what's left, we can make things right. No one wants to deal with what 's left if this mission fails. Again. The next few posts will be works from the past that just have to go, free shipping on everything anywhere and the button that follows will allow u to pour some sugar on me. Let's be real, if i lose my home, i have NO WHERE to store any of this artwork while living in a dying car. So it's got to go or be destroyed via a la garbage dumpster. I will make appointments, but if you already are known to take art and not pay, don't bother to say it isn't so. I know it's so hard for you. but for the rest of the best of my fans friends & supporters, stay tuned to virtual garage sale for the next few days.....