Monday, February 10, 2014

deadmall : Rolling Acres

Ruinporn photos are hot. Your childhood capitalist hangout pre & free shipping  hotspot dead like a zombie movie shoot ? Super hot. Stupidhugespaces now abandoned are  very popular for photographers, or everyone with a camera phone to capture the quick demise of meatspace retail. I zipped out to the land of Zips a few months ago to the Restore located in Akron, near where the once, literally, "rolling" hills this double decker mall stood. Although much of it is still there, the zinging cash registers collecting sales tax and disposable jobs employing the lower classes of masses left over from the industrial age; GONE.  Quiet. miles of parking seemed to spread all over an area where one has to wonder how many people actually had to be here to use all this space ? to need it ? mass holiday sales ? no more driving all over for a parking space, plenty was to be found here. I did not frequent this mall, as it was far and had a small grisly murder of teenage girls to taint it made it not a place my parents allowed. However, it was obviously a super large mall that seemed to cater to very different tastes of the more suburban malls we were used to. Midnight horror movies, crazy odd clothes & again massive amounts of space made you feel like you were in some spaceship of shopping. Now it sits, in a concrete shell of capitalist facades falling into the walkways and handicapped zones. What to do with sweet dreams made of this ? See the Scene for more "wow, look ! a mall falling apart " photos here for more photos of decay

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